Thursday, October 26, 2017

Robotikx! Wizard101 World Idea

Robotikx is the perfect reason for Valencia and Marleybone to never team up. The perfect amalgam of Valencian Clockwork Technology and Marleybonian Mechanics, Robotikx is the homeworld of the robots, a "superior" race of beings.

A long time ago, Robotikx was merely a hunk of rock inside of an especially stormy world bubble, but was soon chosen by scientists for its close proximity to both Valencia and Marleybone. There, scientists experimented and created the "perfect" artificial intelligence in the form of a robot.

One fateful night, the lab was struck by the magical lightning of the world, and the robots came to "life"! The robots made more of themselves, and soon drove out the Valencian and Marleybonian scientists. The secret of artificial intelligence was lost, which prompted further experimentation, resulting in the likes of Kane and the Armada.

The Robotikx could work for either Pirate101 or Wizard101, but I did not include many sailing areas, so Pirate101 would require some changes...

The Areas:
Robotikx City
The bulk of the world (could be subdivided into more areas), includes the commons area of the world. The main dwelling of the robots, Robotikx City is exactly how it sounds, the robot city! Could the city be a robot itself?

The Tracks
The transportation system of the world, it's how you would access the other areas of the world. The tracks are a roller coaster-like system the encircles the world.

The Coils
Possible Pirate101 zone, the area of the coils are crawling with energy absorbing creatures such as storm sharks, lightning jellyfish, and stormgulls.

Lightning District
The power generator of the world, it is an underground factory with three huge lightning rods sticking up, the robots harness the magical properties of the lightning to make more of their kind and form powerful attacks (basically their form of mana).

Upside Down District
DUNGEON! Made by an "upside down" programmed series of robots, the Upside Down District has been blocked off from the rest of the world for decades.

The Motherboard
FINAL DUNGEON! The central intelligence of the Robotikx, the place is a massive tower inspired by the architecture of Big Ben, the only thing they considered superior.

I'd imagine before entering the world you'd need to make a disguise since the robots think of others as lower than them. Once you finished your disguise you'd get a transformation into a robot for an hour.

Come back again for more Ideas of the Spiral!
-Justin Nightstone

Also! What world do you want to see form me in the future?
-Wattle Yolk (The chicken homeworld)
-Hippyhop (Jaki's homeworld)
-Ba-Boa (Based on Babylon)
-Uffo (UFO Crash World)
-Dentmark (Kingdom of the Tooth Fairies)
Leave a comment below!!!

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