Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Candied Cottage (Castle Idea)

The Candied Cottage
Welcome to the Candied Cottage, a petite home floating in the cotton candy clouds of Karamelle.

This house would be a deluxe house (250 items inside, 150 outside).

The island itself has two rock candy mountains, one shorter one, and one with a molten chocolate fall. The world gate would be a gingerbread door with lollipops and candy canes near it. The main home would be two stories. The first story would have a fireplace and a few rooms to make a kitchen, bathroom, living room, etc. The second story would have a sloped roof (similar to an attic).

The house would be the same price as the Jungle House Boat, 5,000 crowns or 50,000 gold.

I think this house would be a super cute addition to the game and would please some of the younger players and maybe some older ones too. I wouldn't hesitate to buy this on my Ice character. And this may even warrant a Candy Land themed hoard pack!

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check back soon for more Ideas of the Spiral!
-Justin Nightstone

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